Spartan Academy is an innovative school, purposefully designed to prepare young individuals for the challenges and adventures of the real world. Located in Sparta, NJ, we're thrilled to expand the Acton Academy Network to our local community.
Spartan Academy is modernizing learning, and your family can be a part of it!
Spartan Academy is dedicated to empowering learners to become resilient, innovative heroes, shaping their future with a foundation of excellence, kindness, and a passion for lifelong learning.
We believe each child has a gift that can change the world in a profound way.
We believe in learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be.
We believe in a closely connected family of lifelong learners.
We believe in economic, political, and religious freedom.
8:15-8:45— Flexible Dropoff with Outdoor Play
9:00 — Morning Motivation and Socratic Discussion
9:15 — Snack and Goal Setting
9:30 — Core Skills
11:30 — Lunch and Free time/Outdoor Play
12:30 — Meditation
12:40 — Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.)
1:00 — Afternoon Discussion and Quest Launch
1:15 — Project-Based Quests
2:30 — Studio Maintenance
2:45 — Town Hall/End of Day Reflection
3:00-3:15 — Outdoor Play and Learner Pickup
*Outdoor play is weather permitting and will be replaced with indoor play if needed.
Ages 4-6
The Spartan Academy Sparks Studio is Montessori-based, with a twist of fun learning. Our goal is to build a stable classroom culture that is filled with love, kindness, and laughter. When these components are in place, the academic part just happens, following each child’s own pace and interest. This studio is excellent for learners intending to enroll in the Spartan Academy Elementary Studio.
- Sensory-based learning
- Multi-age studio
- Movement as part of learning
- Freedom within limits
- Build the foundations of independent learning, reading, writing, communication, and math.
- Interdisciplinary curricular areas: Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, Science, Geography, Art, Movement and Music.
"We believe clear thinking leads to good decisions,Join the Pre-Enrollment List
good decisions lead to the right habits,
the right habits forge character,
and character determines destiny."
-Jeff Sandefer, Co-Founder Acton Academy